Communicating Effectively With All Generations

  Communication is vital in our daily lives as we use it to convey our message. However, it may be hard when we all have different ways of expressing ourselves and doing things that work for us. If we want to get good at communicating, we have to make some adjustments. In this episode, Carolyn outlines the five generations that are living in the world today. Discover how these generations interact with the way they…

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Tips For Successful Entrepreneurs

  What does it take to be a successful entrepreneur? There is such a stigma in our society today about being an entrepreneur. When you think of an entrepreneur, people define it as a person who started their own business. It’s somebody who organizes and manages and assumes the risks of a business. People have all these different definitions of what that meant and what they needed to do for themselves. Some people know and…

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Building Trust Takes Time

  Building trust takes time, and that is where communication is very important. Communication builds connection, and connection fosters trust. Communication is a skill that we need in all aspects of our life because communication links to emotions. Words translate to feelings. A powerful communicator can get the message across whatever their message is, whether it’s good or bad. It can be challenging and there are so many things to consider, so many different communication…

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Why Is Communication So HARD?

  Communication seems so simple, but in all cases, there’s just never enough. Even with the amount of ways we are able to reach each other now, we have all suffered from the effects of miscommunication. As much as we like to believe we are good at it, we have to admit how we sometimes struggle with it. Why, then, is communication so hard? We tackle the different reasons that complicate the way we speak…

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