Tips For Successful Entrepreneurs

  What does it take to be a successful entrepreneur? There is such a stigma in our society today about being an entrepreneur. When you think of an entrepreneur, people define it as a person who started their own business. It’s somebody who organizes and manages and assumes the risks of a business. People have all these different definitions of what that meant and what they needed to do for themselves. Some people know and…

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Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

  We always hear people say, “Get out of your comfort zone,” yet it is always easier said than done. Eric Sprinkle, former swift water rescue instructor for the US Air Force and the founder of Adventure Experience, convinces us otherwise. He says we need to take a step beyond the safe space we have created for ourselves and learn what we are capable of. He talks about the benefits of taking risks and challenges,…

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The World of Professional Sports with Karina Anglada

  It’s not always easy to uncover what you want to be when you grow up. You always have to go through changes and try different things. That’s exactly what happened to Karina Anglada. Her mother saw something in her that she didn’t even see herself which became the turning point in her life. Karina is a media producer and editor for the Golden State Warriors. She won her first Emmy for Champions Rewind. Karina…

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